compact unit selector

More and more the market is asking for flexible but standardized solutions with a fast and easy but still powerful selections, still providing all the features for price calculation, BOM list generation, casing generator, production part manager and interface to the ERP system.
For this reality airCalc++ is providing as simple and user friendly 1 mask selection solution. On top of the powerful core application with database, API and Black Boxes. The new user interface has been designed with the focus on simplicity and speed.
The interface in divided in 4 logical parts:
Base design selection
The fist selection defines the design of the unit. As design we intend completely different units of the same product family, such design differences could be the type of heat recovery system (PHE, HW) or with / without cooling circuit, horizontal or vertical design…
Optional and Accessories
Based on the selected base design different optional and accessories can be selected. Optimal are additional components with impact to the drawing and design of the unit, such optional could be dampers, flexible canvas, unit feeds…
Accessories are additional parts with no impact to the design but impact to the price and bill of material, such accessories could be pressure sensors, unit control, spare filters…
Every change of the design or selection of an optional has an immediate impact on the drawing. The drawing is created by assembling different parameterized blocks to a unit. Everything you are able to do in AutoCAD we can use and reproduce to create the drawing of compact unit. With this solution we have unlimited possibilities and we are able to reproduce what ever you can imagine. This dynamically created drawing can be printed with you drawing head in a technical standardized drawing format, or directly be exported as dwg file.
In – Output fields
Based on the selected base design, on the selected optional and accessories only the needed input fields are show, no additional field is confusing the user. Very important field can even be highlighted in colors!
After the selection a reduced quantity of output fields is shown, only the most important data like price, el absorbed power, outlet temperatures. You are free to decide what field are important fields for you, if they are read only or only visible for experts.
All printouts like technical data sheet, price list, specification text, drawing or certification details are immediately ready for print or export.
As the compact module is build on top of the powerful airCalc++ core application, all additional modules like casing editor, production part manager are working seamlessly together and guaranty a fast and smooth workflow.
airCalc++ offers you the most powerful software solution for you compact units, with the features of a customized AHU selection software.